Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Main Task- Similar Products- Character Representation

My character for my final film is a female assassin, she is therefore shown in two different lights as she tricks men into falling for he which is shown as her 'feminie' side. She wears long elegant dresses and expensive jewellery with her hair down. The other side to her was her in her job, after she murders the men she returns to her normal self, which is extremely confident, hair up in a tight bun, and normally wearing a suit. She remains very fashionable and pretty in both, yet her ability to lie is portrayed well with the diversity between the two characters that she plays in her life.
Angelina Jolie has played some amazing characters in her time all of which in some way relate to Sophia.
Here are some of Angelina's characters from real media texts that are similar to Sophia.
Her seductive side which is played when she is entrancing men into falling for her is shown well through Angelina Jolie's character in the film the tourist. The tourist is a romantic thriller which runs with the plot line about Elise trying to find her old lost lover who is being hunted down for stealing money.
Her character is very sexy, promiscuous and elegant. Her looks are her power that she holds over the men, capturing them or taking them off guard. She is very calm and collective which i will use with my character Sophia who even though is under pressure to get the 'job' done she must remain unattached and appear truthful to the men. Angelina's character in the tourist tricks the man into falling for her and uses him as a trap to confuse the men that are trying to capture her. I will be using this plot as the main storyline for Sophia to play, this will involve her pretending to in love, her amazing ability to lie and twist the truth will be her main weapon which she uses to her advantage.
The other side to Sophia is more dangerous, confident and formal. She will be shown wearing a suit which is still very feminine however portrays how serious her job is. She is also shown to be carrying a gun including other weapons which illustrate how action packed her life is.

Angelina Jolie plays a character called Laura Croft in the adventure thriller Tomb Raider. Its all about the events that happen running up to robbing the tomb that holds millions of pounds worth of diamonds. She is shown as very confident, brave and action packed yet still very sexy and beautiful. She uses guns and knows how to us them, she also makes sure she never gets to attached to many people and trusts no one. This trait is essential when my character is being played she needs to appear emotionless and confident in what she does.

The film Salt was about Evelyn being accused of being a Russian spy who then goes on the run to keep her name clear from something she hasn't done. She is portrayed as very intelligent and her main goal is to stay alive and stop herself from being caught.
This action thriller illustrates how strong Evelyn appears in this film and how mysterious she is. The main question that runs throughout this film is who is salt? making it mysterious and confusing, just like Sophia's role in tricking men and then turning on them.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Main Task- Diary Entry One

My idea for my thriller has been approved by the teacher after giving a 30 second pitch to the class. The film will begin with a women getting out the car looking very sophisticated and formal as she Will be wearing high heels, a suit and carrying a briefcase. She is in her early 20's and has the occupation as an assassin. Her job is to lure men in who have been involved in crimes such as murders and burglary's of big companies. She has 3 months for get there trust, and has a romance with them and then when she feels its the right time she shots them and simply gets rid of the evidence and moves on to the next one. Its her job to be emotionless, a good lire and attractive.
From her getting out of the car this will continue onto a scene where she is with a man lying in bed. She appears completely different in this scene, full of emotion and happiness. In the beginning of the film the audience do not know she is an assassin so the two of them appear perfectly in love. This scene that follows will illustrate this such as walking through a park, having meals out or just simply Being together. The shock will come when her expression changes over dinner and she holds up a gun and shots him dead. She casually stands up and picks up her phone. The audience will feel confused as to what has just happened but the following scenes will tell the story and explain her job, her missions and past victims which she keeps photos of in a file.
The flashback finishes and shows her opening the boot with him dead in the back. She calls someone to tell them where the body  is and to sort it out and demands she wants to be paid in the next week. She then goes to a location to pick up a folder with information and a picture of her next 'job' and sets out to meet him and continue her repeated line of kills.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Pre-Production- Preliminary Task Evaluation

The combination of my Thriller poster and my actual film is very effective. My film is about a young girl struggling with something that she beleives is living inside her, this is connotated through music which is very slow, eerrie and dramatic. This is also shown through my poster by her being alone, looking down and in the dark with just a small coloured rose to brighten up the whole image. In terms of the emotion that was needed to carry out my film i wanted to portray the sadness and confusion that the character was feeling and reflect this onto the audience to create a sence of mystery. The confusion that i wanted to portray was whether she was protagonist or antagonist i showed this through my poster and i wanted to have her in black and white and the rose near her heart in colour. This was to give the audience  a chance to decide for themselves whether they thought she was good or bad. The main theme throughout was her dancing so the mise en scene was very ballet which was shown in her costume in my poster. Overall i feel that both my poster and my film link well together and i beleive that the combination of them both together tells a story. I do feel that i could have taken a little longer on my poster to make it stand out more and made the image stand out with better picture quality.
From showing my film to the audience and after taking on board their feedback and what they feel about it i found that over all they liked the mistery that is converyed.  I was worried to start of with that the plot and storyline was over complicated and hard to understand but i feel that with questions still being left unanswered at the end make it more effective and dramatic. I feel that i could have experimented a bit more with my poster and developed my skills further with different colour mixer's and light intensities. After showing my rough edit of my preliminary film the feedback was that there was to much and i was explaining the storyline with complex and un needed shots. So i took this onboard and removed some of the crash scenes to leave the question of did she kill her and what is her character really about? In the end i feel that this confusion and questions help the film to flow and add suspence to the thriller.
Over the duration of this preliminary film i have learnt to be a lot more by doing it independently especailly as this was my first film where this was my own idea that i had to create and edit myself. I know now the commitment and oragnisation skills that will be needed for my final film and want to improve how well i fit media and editing around my other subjects and other work. I have managed to roughly work out how long each stage takes now and will be able to manage my time much more efficantly next time. I have also learnt new skills when using adobe photoshop, this is how i created my poster which i have never used before. I found this incredibly useful and important and wish to comtinue to improve my skills on this programme. I have also managed to improve my editing skills, i am now much quicker and can do it completely dependently now. In the future i want to spend much more time on research and make sure i fully commit myself to the genre and portray this in the film throughout. I was happy with my storyline but for my final film want to perfect my skills on editing and camera work and also create a more dramatic and manageable storyline that is unique yet good. I have also improved in my camera work and script writing but still want to perfect all these skills i have learnt so that my final film is my best work and to the top of my ability!