The feedback that i got was extremely useful, i decided to change the ending of my story as stated in my diary entre 2, as i feel that it will represent the genre of thriller more. I was asked questions such as how my opening would catch the audiences attention, also how i would portray the chemistry between my two main characters as they have to be shown as 'in love'. The questions that were asked allowed me to show my idea of in different ways as well as show how excited and ready i was to film this story.
Overall the class beleived that this storyline would be good and effective to us as my final peice. They were all interested and excited about seeing the final product.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Main Task- Poster Analysis Three.

Shutter Island
Images~ There are three main images in this poster that attracts the audiences attention. All three of them have a a significance and relevance to the film. The match illustrates being afraid of the dark, or that something is coming to get him. Leonardo Dicaprio is the main character and his picture takes up more than half of the poster. This is one due to how famous he is especially as this will attract the audience due to the success of his other films like titanic and inception. The other significant image in the poster is the island. It looks very deserted, the buildings on the island show that it is a prison and the wave's and lights illistrate that there is a storm representing the mood of the film.
Tagline~ 'someone is missing' this is extremely sucessful in capturing the audiences attention and creates an atmosphere of tension and suspition. Although it's very simple it creates an air of mystery and leaves the audience questioning without giving to much of the story away.
Title~ 'Shutter island' is in bold red this could represent death and appears to be smudged. Its one of the only colours on the poster and stands out. Leonardo Dicaprio's name is above in white which is also one of the main features showing his significance in the film. This shows that he is one of the main reasons to go and watch this due to history of sucessful movies.
Colours~ Leonardo's eye is deep blue however the further one is slightly brown. This connotes that he could be insane it also draws the audiences attention into the characters eyes, this creates an automatic connection. The way that this is lite provides a deep sense of mystery especially with the storm and the rain clouding the background of the poster. The month that the film comes out 'october' is in the same red that the title is in to make sure that they relate the two together and remember them both. The flame is bright orange and automatically draws your attention it represents darkness and a loss of control, it also illistrates a sense of fear and worry.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Main Task- Poster analysis Two

Layout~ The way that the poster has been layed out almost appears like a sequence of events leading up to the final image of him standing on the edge of a building looking as though he is about to jump. This tells a story in itself and engages us in the film before even watching it.
Images~ The images used in the poster is what draws the attention of the audience. The variety of images means that it will entice and engage the audience and what them to see more. The series of images and how they are set out illustrates the variety of this film. They also tell a story themselves for example, the top images show his life with girls, getting of a private jet (representing his luxury life) and his gambling. All of which make you ask constant questions and make you want to watch more. The most eye catching of the images if Bradley cooper's close up in the middle photograph. The illusion of the background becoming almost a blur and the orange colours make it appear as if its his or that everything is moving to fast. It also looks as though he is being left behind as his image is motionless and still while everything around him appears to be moving. The final image is the most dramatic and will create the most questions. It shows Bradley Coopers character standing on top of a building. He is placed in the centre of the shot illustrating that he is the main character. The blurred effect shown by the lights and contrast of green and yellow could connote the us of drugs which is in fact the main plot line in the film.
Tag line~ what if a pill could make you rich and powerful? This is very important to the poster it gives a hint of what the film is all about. By asking a question it automatically ingages the audience by asking them directly. This will mean that they make a connection with the main character and the storyline itself.
Title~ The title is in large white block capitals, its very simplistic however i think as there is so much going on in the images it doesn't need to be complicated. It isn't however the first thing that you look at as the actors names blur in with the title. 'Limitless' also explains how people feel when they are on drugs, and connotes indestructable. The title is very powerful and suits the film well.
Actors~ The actors names are in block captials in a blue colour that makes them stand out from the white background. This represents how some of the audience may be influenced in watching this film based on the actors in it. Bradley Cooper for example has a huge fan base especaially after resently starring in the hangover.
Main Task- Poster analysis One

Image~ The image is incredibly dramatic it shows the main actress Natalie Portman with a crack down her face. She appears almost like a porcelain doll, showing how she has been broken. It's also just an image of her face showing its simplicity and allowing the audience to keep guessing about what the film is all about.
Also her eyes are very dramatic almost drawing your attention straight to them the way they have been lite and edited has made them the focal point of the poster meaning that the audience make an automatic connection with her as the main character.
Colours~ The colours are used very effectively, below her eye line the colour is dark black illustrating that darkness or something evil is coming. At the top it becomes very bright and has a feathery effect which represents her role in the show. The amount of these colours could also indicate something, for example the black connotes the black swan and the white represents the white swan. The amount of black is much greater than the white colour showing how her character and role of the black swan has taken over. It also illustrates the evil that is taking over which is represented by the crack across her perfect, soft face in the image.
The title~ The title 'the black swan' is very simplistic but represents what she is about to become. Through out the whole of the film its about her trying to become both roles, the title illustrates what she becomes. The font is very bold and eye catching especially against the image in the background due to it being completely black.
Instead of a tag line they us word such as 'extrodinary, intoxicating, masterpeice' the power that comes with these words will influence people to want to no more. The Black swan is all about mystery, therefore not having a tag line actually suits this type of film as its not needed and wouldn't have the same effect.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Main Task- Diary Entry Two
I have decided to change the structure of my thriller as i feel that it would have been to complicated and may have taken to long and gone over the 5 minutes that we have been assigned.
My idea is that it will begin with her being assigned john's case by her boss in a moving car, which will be a mid shot showing the moving background. This will have the title of 3 months earlier, illustrating that it is not the present day. As she's being told about the guy, there will be different shots of the case folder, showing his picture and other photographs of him in everyday settings. She is told that the man must die as he has seen something at the research lab that is top secret and that the company cannot risk getting out.
The next scene will be as she's walking up a busy pathway carrying papers, she is dressed in high heels and a suit and looks incredibly beautiful. She shoves slightly into a man, as this happens her folders fly up in the air and fall to the floor. She bends down to collect them all and the man does the same. She says thank you in a hurried voice and looks up slowly to meet his eyes and you realise that its JACK the man who she has been assigned to kill. This illustrates that she has begun her case and now has to gain his trust. He smiles and she walks away from him her face changes to being serious and cold again. He picks up a card that's been left on the floor deliberately by her and when he realises its her number he puts it in his pocket and walks away smiling.
The next section of the film is a V.O of SOPHIA as she talks about how the job and how it was getting harder as she is actually having real feelings for this man. You see scenes of them doing different things such as walking in the park, having dinner etc and you can tell that they are falling in love.
It ends with a scene as they are hugging and he kisses her, she smiles but then slowly begins to cry softly. when he asks her whats wrong she says I'm not who you think i am. She asks about what he saw at the research lab and then tells him about her job as an assassin. He walks out slowly and shocked shutting the door behind him SOPHIA is left alone looking down when the door opens again. JACK is standing at the door and asks if she does actually love him? When her reply is yes they kiss and hold each other. She then says 'we'll run tomorrow, we'll go somewhere they won't find us'
The final scene is as they lie in bed together when SOPHIA is awoken by a noise downstairs. JACK remains asleep, so she takes a gun downstairs with her. She knows that someone is in the house, they are here to kill as she has failed her case. A masked man comes out of the shadows with a gun and they fight, this will be filled with action and suspense. She will suddenly get free from his grasp and turns around and shot's him, she suddenly hears something behind her so turns quickly and shots. But its JACK. He falls to the floor and she runs over cradling him until he takes him last breath.
My idea is that it will begin with her being assigned john's case by her boss in a moving car, which will be a mid shot showing the moving background. This will have the title of 3 months earlier, illustrating that it is not the present day. As she's being told about the guy, there will be different shots of the case folder, showing his picture and other photographs of him in everyday settings. She is told that the man must die as he has seen something at the research lab that is top secret and that the company cannot risk getting out.
The next scene will be as she's walking up a busy pathway carrying papers, she is dressed in high heels and a suit and looks incredibly beautiful. She shoves slightly into a man, as this happens her folders fly up in the air and fall to the floor. She bends down to collect them all and the man does the same. She says thank you in a hurried voice and looks up slowly to meet his eyes and you realise that its JACK the man who she has been assigned to kill. This illustrates that she has begun her case and now has to gain his trust. He smiles and she walks away from him her face changes to being serious and cold again. He picks up a card that's been left on the floor deliberately by her and when he realises its her number he puts it in his pocket and walks away smiling.
The next section of the film is a V.O of SOPHIA as she talks about how the job and how it was getting harder as she is actually having real feelings for this man. You see scenes of them doing different things such as walking in the park, having dinner etc and you can tell that they are falling in love.
It ends with a scene as they are hugging and he kisses her, she smiles but then slowly begins to cry softly. when he asks her whats wrong she says I'm not who you think i am. She asks about what he saw at the research lab and then tells him about her job as an assassin. He walks out slowly and shocked shutting the door behind him SOPHIA is left alone looking down when the door opens again. JACK is standing at the door and asks if she does actually love him? When her reply is yes they kiss and hold each other. She then says 'we'll run tomorrow, we'll go somewhere they won't find us'
The final scene is as they lie in bed together when SOPHIA is awoken by a noise downstairs. JACK remains asleep, so she takes a gun downstairs with her. She knows that someone is in the house, they are here to kill as she has failed her case. A masked man comes out of the shadows with a gun and they fight, this will be filled with action and suspense. She will suddenly get free from his grasp and turns around and shot's him, she suddenly hears something behind her so turns quickly and shots. But its JACK. He falls to the floor and she runs over cradling him until he takes him last breath.
Main Task- special effects requirment's
For my final task i would like to add the effect that means that people that are walking past become almost a blur, moving faster in a shadow effect.
This will mean that my main character will be the main focus in the shot and will also illustrate loneliness and time passing by.
This will mean that my main character will be the main focus in the shot and will also illustrate loneliness and time passing by.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Main Task- Similar Products- Character Representation
My character for my final film is a female assassin, she is therefore shown in two different lights as she tricks men into falling for he which is shown as her 'feminie' side. She wears long elegant dresses and expensive jewellery with her hair down. The other side to her was her in her job, after she murders the men she returns to her normal self, which is extremely confident, hair up in a tight bun, and normally wearing a suit. She remains very fashionable and pretty in both, yet her ability to lie is portrayed well with the diversity between the two characters that she plays in her life.
Angelina Jolie has played some amazing characters in her time all of which in some way relate to Sophia.
Here are some of Angelina's characters from real media texts that are similar to Sophia.Her seductive side which is played when she is entrancing men into falling for her is shown well through Angelina Jolie's character in the film the tourist. The tourist is a romantic thriller which runs with the plot line about Elise trying to find her old lost lover who is being hunted down for stealing money.

Her character is very sexy, promiscuous and elegant. Her looks are her power that she holds over the men, capturing them or taking them off guard. She is very calm and collective which i will use with my character Sophia who even though is under pressure to get the 'job' done she must remain unattached and appear truthful to the men. Angelina's character in the tourist tricks the man into falling for her and uses him as a trap to confuse the men that are trying to capture her. I will be using this plot as the main storyline for Sophia to play, this will involve her pretending to in love, her amazing ability to lie and twist the truth will be her main weapon which she uses to her advantage.
The other side to Sophia is more dangerous, confident and formal. She will be shown wearing a suit which is still very feminine however portrays how serious her job is. She is also shown to be carrying a gun including other weapons which illustrate how action packed her life is.
This action thriller illustrates how strong Evelyn appears in this film and how mysterious she is. The main question that runs throughout this film is who is salt? making it mysterious and confusing, just like Sophia's role in tricking men and then turning on them.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Main Task- Diary Entry One
My idea for my thriller has been approved by the teacher after giving a 30 second pitch to the class. The film will begin with a women getting out the car looking very sophisticated and formal as she Will be wearing high heels, a suit and carrying a briefcase. She is in her early 20's and has the occupation as an assassin. Her job is to lure men in who have been involved in crimes such as murders and burglary's of big companies. She has 3 months for get there trust, and has a romance with them and then when she feels its the right time she shots them and simply gets rid of the evidence and moves on to the next one. Its her job to be emotionless, a good lire and attractive.
From her getting out of the car this will continue onto a scene where she is with a man lying in bed. She appears completely different in this scene, full of emotion and happiness. In the beginning of the film the audience do not know she is an assassin so the two of them appear perfectly in love. This scene that follows will illustrate this such as walking through a park, having meals out or just simply Being together. The shock will come when her expression changes over dinner and she holds up a gun and shots him dead. She casually stands up and picks up her phone. The audience will feel confused as to what has just happened but the following scenes will tell the story and explain her job, her missions and past victims which she keeps photos of in a file.
The flashback finishes and shows her opening the boot with him dead in the back. She calls someone to tell them where the body is and to sort it out and demands she wants to be paid in the next week. She then goes to a location to pick up a folder with information and a picture of her next 'job' and sets out to meet him and continue her repeated line of kills.
From her getting out of the car this will continue onto a scene where she is with a man lying in bed. She appears completely different in this scene, full of emotion and happiness. In the beginning of the film the audience do not know she is an assassin so the two of them appear perfectly in love. This scene that follows will illustrate this such as walking through a park, having meals out or just simply Being together. The shock will come when her expression changes over dinner and she holds up a gun and shots him dead. She casually stands up and picks up her phone. The audience will feel confused as to what has just happened but the following scenes will tell the story and explain her job, her missions and past victims which she keeps photos of in a file.
The flashback finishes and shows her opening the boot with him dead in the back. She calls someone to tell them where the body is and to sort it out and demands she wants to be paid in the next week. She then goes to a location to pick up a folder with information and a picture of her next 'job' and sets out to meet him and continue her repeated line of kills.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Pre-Production- Preliminary Task Evaluation
The combination of my Thriller poster and my actual film is very effective. My film is about a young girl struggling with something that she beleives is living inside her, this is connotated through music which is very slow, eerrie and dramatic. This is also shown through my poster by her being alone, looking down and in the dark with just a small coloured rose to brighten up the whole image. In terms of the emotion that was needed to carry out my film i wanted to portray the sadness and confusion that the character was feeling and reflect this onto the audience to create a sence of mystery. The confusion that i wanted to portray was whether she was protagonist or antagonist i showed this through my poster and i wanted to have her in black and white and the rose near her heart in colour. This was to give the audience a chance to decide for themselves whether they thought she was good or bad. The main theme throughout was her dancing so the mise en scene was very ballet which was shown in her costume in my poster. Overall i feel that both my poster and my film link well together and i beleive that the combination of them both together tells a story. I do feel that i could have taken a little longer on my poster to make it stand out more and made the image stand out with better picture quality.
From showing my film to the audience and after taking on board their feedback and what they feel about it i found that over all they liked the mistery that is converyed. I was worried to start of with that the plot and storyline was over complicated and hard to understand but i feel that with questions still being left unanswered at the end make it more effective and dramatic. I feel that i could have experimented a bit more with my poster and developed my skills further with different colour mixer's and light intensities. After showing my rough edit of my preliminary film the feedback was that there was to much and i was explaining the storyline with complex and un needed shots. So i took this onboard and removed some of the crash scenes to leave the question of did she kill her and what is her character really about? In the end i feel that this confusion and questions help the film to flow and add suspence to the thriller.
Over the duration of this preliminary film i have learnt to be a lot more by doing it independently especailly as this was my first film where this was my own idea that i had to create and edit myself. I know now the commitment and oragnisation skills that will be needed for my final film and want to improve how well i fit media and editing around my other subjects and other work. I have managed to roughly work out how long each stage takes now and will be able to manage my time much more efficantly next time. I have also learnt new skills when using adobe photoshop, this is how i created my poster which i have never used before. I found this incredibly useful and important and wish to comtinue to improve my skills on this programme. I have also managed to improve my editing skills, i am now much quicker and can do it completely dependently now. In the future i want to spend much more time on research and make sure i fully commit myself to the genre and portray this in the film throughout. I was happy with my storyline but for my final film want to perfect my skills on editing and camera work and also create a more dramatic and manageable storyline that is unique yet good. I have also improved in my camera work and script writing but still want to perfect all these skills i have learnt so that my final film is my best work and to the top of my ability!
From showing my film to the audience and after taking on board their feedback and what they feel about it i found that over all they liked the mistery that is converyed. I was worried to start of with that the plot and storyline was over complicated and hard to understand but i feel that with questions still being left unanswered at the end make it more effective and dramatic. I feel that i could have experimented a bit more with my poster and developed my skills further with different colour mixer's and light intensities. After showing my rough edit of my preliminary film the feedback was that there was to much and i was explaining the storyline with complex and un needed shots. So i took this onboard and removed some of the crash scenes to leave the question of did she kill her and what is her character really about? In the end i feel that this confusion and questions help the film to flow and add suspence to the thriller.
Over the duration of this preliminary film i have learnt to be a lot more by doing it independently especailly as this was my first film where this was my own idea that i had to create and edit myself. I know now the commitment and oragnisation skills that will be needed for my final film and want to improve how well i fit media and editing around my other subjects and other work. I have managed to roughly work out how long each stage takes now and will be able to manage my time much more efficantly next time. I have also learnt new skills when using adobe photoshop, this is how i created my poster which i have never used before. I found this incredibly useful and important and wish to comtinue to improve my skills on this programme. I have also managed to improve my editing skills, i am now much quicker and can do it completely dependently now. In the future i want to spend much more time on research and make sure i fully commit myself to the genre and portray this in the film throughout. I was happy with my storyline but for my final film want to perfect my skills on editing and camera work and also create a more dramatic and manageable storyline that is unique yet good. I have also improved in my camera work and script writing but still want to perfect all these skills i have learnt so that my final film is my best work and to the top of my ability!
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Pre-Production- The Final Script
(The forest is dark and damp, it’s about 5 in the morning and the light is slowly being drained as the sunlight seeps through the trees. The forest is thick with no open space for miles you can only assume she is a long way from a road.)
VARIOUS SHOT’S to show her running through the forest
Miah (V.O)
My name is Miah Ann Sheer. I don’t know how long I’ve been running for; I just know I’m running from myself, there’s something or someone else inside me. Stop running! This thing is bad, it makes me do things, evil things. I’m no longer afraid; I must face the truth, everything is spinning. I know that the truth is my only salvation, and this is my only comfort now… [BEAT]
CLOSE UP of Fraya’s lifeless face
Frayyyaaaaa… Fraayyyaaa… (Whispered in a low voice)
(The studio is a wide open space, one of the walls is covered in long mirrors. Miah and her sister practice their ballet here)
VARIOUS SHOTS as they both dance around each other silently showing their feet and body’s twisting and turning but never touching
Miah (V.O)
I remember when we danced. I know I can let myself go without feeling it inside. Fraya is my sister, our friendship shattered and irreparable all because I once let this thing inside take over. I let it hurt you, it wasn’t me, I promise. Still unforgiven after all these years we dance so close yet so far apart and the silence is our normality now.
MID SHOT of fraya’s lifeless face and someone’s legs walking slowly up behind her from out of a car
Frayyyaaaa… Fraya I’m sorry.
Miah (V.O)
I promised I wouldn’t lose control again, but something is happening. It’s coming… I see you … dead Fraya, Dead Fraya, Dead Frayaaa. It’s coming… I’m here! I had to leave; I knew you weren’t safe with me…
MEDIUM/ CLOSE UP as Miah stops dancing and looks up crying, Fraya continues to dance around her. (music gets louder and then suddenly stops)
VARIOUS SHOTS as Miah carries out her normal evening, takes her ballet shoes off, washing her hair, closing the curtains, looking in the mirror and climbing into bed.
CLOSE UP as she closed her eyes
(The phone rings)
CLOSE UP as her eyes opens quickly
Miah (V.O)
I got the call around 12, I think you said you were ill, and I had to come get you, come and help you.
WIDE SHOT as head lights of the car are turned on
Miah (V.O)
I went to find her, I was coming to get you Fraya …
CLOSE UP of her eyes they are fully closed until you hear the scream and then they tears roll down her cheek she never opens her eyes
Miah (V.O)
I could see you. I could feel it pushing me from the inside out, I tried to stop it, but it wanted to kill.
CLOSE UP of Miah’s eyes opening
Miah (V.O)
I swerved, I hit her. Silence… it was strangely normal between us.
(the empty road is near a forest, there is a single car and Miah is slowly climbing out. Fraya is lying lifeless on the floor, Miah walks towards her)
LONG SHOT as Miah climbs out the car and walks slowly towards Fraya
MID SHOT as Miah cries, cradling her sisters lifeless body
Miah (V.O)
You looked up at me, your eyes terrified and filled with pain, I just held you tightly in my arms, until you took your last breath.
CLOSE UP of her face she smiles
Miah (V.O)
So how did I get here…well I ran, and I didn’t stop, the demon is closing back, coming to drag me to hell, I’m dangerous no one is safe.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Pre- Production- Preliminary Task- Shooting Schedule.
Shooting schedule
Contact Details for crew~
Emily Wilson (Camera) - 07810222847
Ruth Cooper (Lighting) - 07949740076
Ashleigh Hughes (sound) - 07519076992
Sawtry community College, Sawtry Forest and my house.
Technical Requirments~
Scene 1- Forest scene- She is running from something through the forest
Scene 2- Main Hall scene- Shows her sister and her Dancing, showing her becomeing very distressed about images that she is seeing in her head of her sister lying lifeless on the floor
Scene 3- House scene- Various shots of how she plans out her night, still showing that she has got something troubling her, she then gets a phone call from her sisters friends saying she's ill at a party and she needs to pick her up
Scene 4- Car scene- Fraya (her sister) is lifeless on the floor, miah has hit her thinking it was the man and cradles her dead body
\( not in order of scenes)
Contact Details for crew~
Emily Wilson (Camera) - 07810222847
Ruth Cooper (Lighting) - 07949740076
Ashleigh Hughes (sound) - 07519076992
Sawtry community College, Sawtry Forest and my house.
Technical Requirments~
- Camera
- Tripod
- lighting equitment
- Torches
- Music sterio
- SD card
Scene 1- Forest scene- She is running from something through the forest
Scene 2- Main Hall scene- Shows her sister and her Dancing, showing her becomeing very distressed about images that she is seeing in her head of her sister lying lifeless on the floor
Scene 3- House scene- Various shots of how she plans out her night, still showing that she has got something troubling her, she then gets a phone call from her sisters friends saying she's ill at a party and she needs to pick her up
Scene 4- Car scene- Fraya (her sister) is lifeless on the floor, miah has hit her thinking it was the man and cradles her dead body
\( not in order of scenes)
Pre-Production- Preliminary Task- Production schedule.
Production Schedule 1- Thursday
Production name~ Individuality
Film Location~ Sawtry Forest
Crew cast call time~ 4.30pm
Setup start time~ 4.40pm
Setup finish time~ 4.50pm
Shooting start time~ 4.55pm
Shooting end time~ 5.40pm
Property requirements~ Lighting, costume 2 (for Miah)
Film Location~ My house
Crew cast time~ 9.40pm
Setup start time~ 9.40pm
Setup finish time~ 9.50pm
Shooting start time~ 9.50pm
Shooting end time~ 10.15pm
Property requirments~ Candles, mobile phone, towels, costume 1 (for Miah)
Production Schedule 2- Monday
Film Location~ Sawtry Community College (main hall's stage)
Crew cast time~ 3.35pm
Setup start time~ 3.40pm
Setup finish time~ 3.50pm
Shooting start time~3.50pm
Shooting end time~ 4.15pm
Property requirments~ Costumes 1 (for Miah and Fraya), Lighting, Music sterio, Music
Film Location~ Sawtry
Crew cast time~ 8.00pm
Setup start time~ 8.05pm
Setup finish time~ 8.15pm
Shooting start time~ 8.15pm
Shootind end time~ 9.00pm
Property requirments~ Costumes 2 (for Miah and Fraya), Lighting, Car (headlights on), fake blood
Production name~ Individuality
Film Location~ Sawtry Forest
Crew cast call time~ 4.30pm
Setup start time~ 4.40pm
Setup finish time~ 4.50pm
Shooting start time~ 4.55pm
Shooting end time~ 5.40pm
Property requirements~ Lighting, costume 2 (for Miah)
Film Location~ My house
Crew cast time~ 9.40pm
Setup start time~ 9.40pm
Setup finish time~ 9.50pm
Shooting start time~ 9.50pm
Shooting end time~ 10.15pm
Property requirments~ Candles, mobile phone, towels, costume 1 (for Miah)
Production Schedule 2- Monday
Film Location~ Sawtry Community College (main hall's stage)
Crew cast time~ 3.35pm
Setup start time~ 3.40pm
Setup finish time~ 3.50pm
Shooting start time~3.50pm
Shooting end time~ 4.15pm
Property requirments~ Costumes 1 (for Miah and Fraya), Lighting, Music sterio, Music
Film Location~ Sawtry
Crew cast time~ 8.00pm
Setup start time~ 8.05pm
Setup finish time~ 8.15pm
Shooting start time~ 8.15pm
Shootind end time~ 9.00pm
Property requirments~ Costumes 2 (for Miah and Fraya), Lighting, Car (headlights on), fake blood
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Pre-Production - The script
(The forest is dark and damp, it’s about 10 at night and the light is slowly being drained as the shadows loom and grow covering the small narrow pathway that winds through the forest floor. The forest is thick with no open space for miles you can only assume she is a long way from a road.)
WIDE SHOT to show her running through the forest
Miah (V.O)
My name is Miah Ann Sheer. Everything around me is so silent its strange because inside I’m screaming at the top of my lungs but no one can hear me no one will help me … [BEAT]
CLOSE UP of Fraya’s lifeless face
Frayyyaaaaa… Fraayyyaaa… (Whispered in a low voice)
Miah (V.O)
I can hear him getting closer, I can feel him watching me. I can hardly breathe, I must stop. I’m no longer afraid of him, I know I must face him I know I must face the truth [BEAT]
CLOSE UP as Miah slowly closes her eyes
(There is a large Pantry and a small frightened girl cuddling a teddy bear sat cross legged inside. The pantry door slowly closes and the little girl (Miah) is submerged into darkness)
Miah (V.O)
Four years old … I was four when my sister locked me in there. I was finally found 14 hours later after my mother finally got home from work and followed my muffled cries. It’s funny how something so little can damage you for life, damage a friendship, a connection between two sisters, I can certainly say we were never the same again.
(The café is almost empty apart from a man sat by the window; you never see his face only his figure looking out. Miah takes him his coffee.)
Miah (V.O)
I work part time at the café down the road he’s always there on my shift, the table by the window, he’s almost become a part of the furniture but no one else notices him only me. I’ve never actually seen his eyes, but I know he watches me. This is the last day I worked; he touched my hand gently as I gave him his coffee. The touch of his skin against mine was what I’d always feared, it made him real. I couldn’t move, my feet frozen to the ground by the dead weight of fear.
I closed my eyes as I saw him slowly beginning to turn his head towards me. I didn’t want to see his eyes, I opened mine and he was gone…
VARIOUS SHOTS to show their hands touch and her eyes closing
(The studio is a wide open space, one of the walls is covered in long mirrors. Miah and her sister practice their ballet here every night)
CLOSE UP as the music is turned on
VARIOUS SHOTS as they both dance around each other silently showing their feet and body’s twisting and turning but never touching
Miah (V.O)
Ballet is everything to me, my future, and my chance to be free to leave the harshness of the world around me. It’s the one time I can get away from him to stop his steer. Me and Fraya dance here every night, so close together yet so far apart without a single word being said or a reassuring glance towards each other. The silence is normal.
MID SHOT of fraya’s lifeless face and someone’s legs walking slowly up behind her from out of a car
Frayyyaaaa… Fraya I’m sorry.
MEDIUM/ CLOSE UP as Miah stops dancing and looks up crying, Fraya continues to dance around her. (music gets louder and then suddenly stops)
VARIOUS SHOTS as Miah carries out her normal evening, takes her ballet shoes off, washing her hair, closing the curtains, looking in the mirror and climbing into bed.
CLOSE UP as she closed her eyes
(The phone rings)
CLOSE UP as her eyes opens quickly
Miah (V.O)
I got the call around 11, your sisters ill, you have to come get her. Yet again Fraya is off partying trying to drown her sorrows of our useless parents showing no interest into our lives by downing alcohol and wishing her life away, the usual.
WIDE SHOT as head lights of the car are turned on
Miah (V.O)
I went to find her, I was coming to get you Fraya …
CLOSE UP of her eyes they are fully closed until you hear the scream and then they tears roll down her cheek she never opens her eyes
Miah (V.O)
I could see him, in front of me in the middle of the road. He started to turn his head very slowly I was about to see his eyes, they were deep brown, I was captivated in his steer but then I realised those eyes… they were mine.
CLOSE UP of Miah’s eyes opening
Miah (V.O)
I swerved, BANG, I hit him. But I heard a scream, a girls scream… Fraya’s scream.
(the empty road is near a forest, there is a single car and Miah is slowly climbing out. Fraya is lying lifeless on the floor, Miah walks towards her)
LONG SHOT as Miah climbs out the car and walks slowly towards Fraya
Miah- Fraya? … Fraya? (gasps as she sees her and runs towards her cradling her body)
MID SHOT as Miah cries, cradling her sisters lifeless body
Miah (V.O)
There never was a him, only me. I realise that now, but it’s too late, I’m so sorry Fraya I thought you were him… I thought you were me.
CLOSE UP of her face she smiles
Miah (V.O)
You’re wondering why i’m alone in this forest? … I ran, and I didn’t stop I couldn’t stop, I’m dangerous, there coming to get me, the demons are closing in.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Similar Products- Research- Thriller Character Creation (Part B)
Nina Sayers (The Black Swan)-
Nina's character in the black swan reminds me a lot of my character Miah. Nina's hobbies are doing ballet and her compassion and dedication for her dancing is what drives her crazy. Like Nina, Miah is a ballet dancer who uses her dancing to escape from the outside world and let herself go and be herself. Miah's main emotions are nervous and fragile which is very similar to Nina when she is the white swan, who appears innocent and very vulnerable. However when Nina is the black swan she becomes aggressive, intense and very sexual when she dancers which is completely different to Miah who never gains that sort of attention and her dancing is always perfect which is what Nina always strives to have. It's also questioned that my character Miah is having hallucinations which is causing her to believe she is being followed, which is similar to Nina who is fighting another side to her personality. Nina doesn't have a sister and seems very middle class however Miah is very upper class and has a sister who is closely linked to the main plot of the story.
Moll played the wife of a man who travels into the subconscious through peoples dreams. She is dead in the film but subconsciously takes over and entrances him into making him believe she is real. I mainly took how Moll looks to help create my character. She is beautiful yet seems to be effortlessly pretty rather than making a huge effort. Miah is like this in the way of how she wears her hear of her face, flattering her features and making her skin seem almost flawless. Also the way she is desperate for routine, which is key in my character's life. However the difference is shown in their emotions Moll can be incredibly aggressive at points to others where as Miah would never usually hurt a fly.
Maggie Grace ( Taken)-
Maggie plays the daughter in Taken when she is kidnapped when on holiday with her friend. Maggie appears very vulnerable in the film and through out relies on someone to help save her. Miah is very similar needing someone to rescue her as she is very fragile however their is no one their to help her. Also Maggie plays a girl who is at a very similar age to Miah although their interests are very different and so are their morals. Maggie's are very outgoing and careless where as Miah doesn't go out much or experience much of an 18 year olds usual lifestyle. Miah's dress sense is very similar to Maggies character though very simple and child like. The main difference between the two is that Taken's character has a lot of caring family behind her, hence her dad sets of to save her from the kidnappers. My character Miah doesn't have anyone to talk too.
Moll (Inception)-
Moll played the wife of a man who travels into the subconscious through peoples dreams. She is dead in the film but subconsciously takes over and entrances him into making him believe she is real. I mainly took how Moll looks to help create my character. She is beautiful yet seems to be effortlessly pretty rather than making a huge effort. Miah is like this in the way of how she wears her hear of her face, flattering her features and making her skin seem almost flawless. Also the way she is desperate for routine, which is key in my character's life. However the difference is shown in their emotions Moll can be incredibly aggressive at points to others where as Miah would never usually hurt a fly.
Similar Products- Research- Thriller Character Creation (Part A)
Miah Sheer
Title- Miss
Full Name- Miah Ann Sheer
D.O.B.- 22nd February
Age- 18
Height- 5ft. 5
Weight- 8st
Shoe size- 5
Hair colour- Blonde
Eye colour- Dark Brown
Ethnicity- White, British
Occupation- A dancer
Sexual Orientation- Heterosexual
Marital Status- Single
She usually dress's well and always puts in a lot of effort in what she wears, often showing skin off appearing confident on the outside. She is effortlessly pretty and doesn't have to take a lot of time on materialistic things like makeup and expensive clothes. She has short blonde hair which is usually seen down apart from when she dances which is placed in a tight bun on top of her head sweeped away from her face showing how simplistic her style is.
Family, Friends and life-
Miah and her sister have mostly brought themselves up. Miah lives with her sister, mum and dad, they are very wealthy and to her parents life is all about money, meaning that there is little time for anything else. When Miah was younger she would spend time with various nanny's but none would stay for long, some would say Miah was possessed by a devil and that she was evil. Miah never has connected to anyone in her family and rarely sees her parents who make little time for her. Miah doesn't have many friends due to her being so uncomfortable and shy. People would describe her as the "Freak". She dances at the studio where she practices her ballet and then goes home before it gets dark. This is routine for Miah she rarely does anything differently.
Relationship with her sister, Fraya Sheer-
Miah and her 16 year old sister, Fraya are not the closest of sisters mainly due to an incident when Miah tried to push Fraya out of a top story window. Miah was only 8 and Fraya 6 but she swears she doesn't remember it and that something bad was trapped inside her. Fraya is said to be the party queen, holding house parties whenever their parents are away which is more than often. Fraya takes time in her appearance doing different styles with her hair, wearing makeup that makes her stand out and clothes that show off every curve. She's bigger than Miah and is frightened of the other side of Miah that comes out sometimes.
Miah is petrified of this so called thing inside her and is scared of hurting her sister as the urges she gets sicken her.
Miah's best qualities is her kindness and compassion for dancing. She is also very beautiful but she doesn't know this. Miah's worst qualities would be how shy and nervous she can be, she sometimes appears to be very vulnerable and innocent but other times can appear careless and horrible. She had become very paranoid about the thing inside her who apparently trying to take over her. Miah and her sister have been learning ballet since they were 4 or 5, it’s the one thing Miah can do to escape her world.
Over the last few weeks i have developed a character that is very simplistic yet interesting. I wanted a character that i could develop a dramatic and complox storyline around without over powering the plot. Miah reminds me of 'Nina' in the black swan, i wanted her to appear different from other people yet normal with things that where happening in her life.
My character is built on the judgement that my thriller will be psychological with different opinions on whether Miah is actaully seeing the man at the window or if he is just a fragment of her imagination that is spirling out of control.
Friday, 9 September 2011
Similar Products- Misery Character Biography's
The film 'Misery' was produced in 1990 about a famous novelist (Paul Sheldon) who is rescued by an obsessed fan who keeps him to cure her overwhelming loneliness.
Paul Sheldon
Is a famous novelist of a book about Misery Chastain, however he decides that he wants to branch out more so creates a new manuscript of an unrelated novel. The opening scene shows him finishing this novel in a snowy cabin where he doing an almost ritual with a glass of champagne and a cigarette alone. He places his manuscript into a tattered manuscript and when he leaves here for Colorado he is caught in a blizzard and his car comes of the road and crashes. Paul is rescued by Annie Wilkes who takes him home where he is bedridden as he has broken his legs and has a dislocated shoulder.
As the film goes on we begin to find out what Annie is really like and Paul is shown in a very desperate and helpless state as he is completely incapacitated. The more he learns about Annie the more he wants to escape and get away but his injuries are holding him back so instead he realizes he must manipulate her instead. He does this by showing how grateful he is for saving him and giving her respect that she adores. He knows that Annie is helplessly in love with him and will not do anything to hurt him, until she realized he tried to escape. She breaks his legs so they have to re heal yet again meaning Annie is able to keep him bedridden and 'her's' for longer. He is normally however very good at keeping control of her anger and knowing the right things to say to her to keep her content.
Very patient
Kind, warm hearted man
Normal, middle aged novelist
Wears formal clothing (before the crash)
very committed into his work
Morals and Ethics-
Pauls work should be rewarded how he commits his time and dedicates it to him novels shows what sort of man he is. He is very respectful and usually a cheerful man and would never hurt anyone unless he was in danger of them himself. He also enjoys his own company and being alone. He can also tell what makes people happy and therefore can manipulate them.
Annie Wilkes
Annie is shown as a women in her 40's who lives in a small town in Colorado. She lives in a very isolated part which is often snowed in leaving her stranded and alone. She appears very sweet and genuine, she rescues the protagonist (paul) from a car wreck when he swerves of the road. She is shown 'nursing' him to health and seems determined to make him better. The two of them begin to connect and have a friendly relationship, paul is obviously very grateful for her hospitality and care. From the beginning she makes it known to paul and the audience that she is a huge fan of pauls novels which he has written over the years. She says at one point 'i'm your number one fan!'. As a person Annie dresses neatly and wears a cross round her neck which symbolizes her religious morals. Annie at first seems to have a desire to help people but as Paul begins to get suspicious when she declares that she was following him the day he crashed in the blizzard he begins to get desperate to get out.
Annie ties him to the bed to keep him in her immaculate house. However he escapes from his room that he has been kept in for months and realize's her worrying history. Her husband had died and this explained her desperate loneliness and need to be with someone. But even more worryingly, Paul found an article in a scrap book saying that she used to be a nurse and has killed many newborn babies. She had spent time in prison but with no real evidence was let free.
Annie's desire to keep Paul with her to cure her loneliness becomes incredibly desperate and begins to spiral out of control. From the beginning of simply helping him to the end where she very nearly murders him all so she can keep him to herself. When she read's Paul's novel that he has written she doesn't like the ending, showing how obsessed she is with the main character misery she burns the whole novel and demands he write another one. This shows a completely different, much darker side to her that is scary and very unnerving.
Hopelessly romantic
Incredibly lonely
a very diverse personality
Religious shown by the cross she wears
Large, 40 year old
Sometimes seen as joyful and smiley
Other times is seen as menacing and frowning deeply
Loses her temper quickly with a very short fuse
Morals and ethics-
At the beginning of the film her morals are shown by how much she cares and gives her hospitality and time to Paul when he is injured and in need of help. This was obvious for her intention, however one thing that becomes very relevant is how lonely she is. This is shown by her isolated immaculate house and her neat yet dull clothes. With nothing left in her life due to her husband dying she wants to become someone else, to escape from her world. That's when she pick's Misery from pauls novels who is in a romantic relationship. This is were her desire for Paul comes in. I don't believe she wanted or expected it to get so out of control, however, she never truly thought it out due to her not having much in her life left to care about, which then leads to her caring for paul to get him back to health.
She also demands respect from paul, Paul plays on this to prolong his murder and keep her wanting him alive, so that he can plan an escape and get away from her.
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Similar Products- Protagonist VS Antagonist
Protagonist and Antagonist help make up the complex story line that thriller films have. They are the basis for any character which are then built on to create unique yet conventional characters. Protagonist characters are always the main characters in a film. They have some traits that are usually always used such as brave, intelligent, daring and ambitious. The plot will be made around this character, and they are who the audience should most identify with. Protagonist's are often shown as normal people in very realistic life setting's for example the film the unborn where Casey is shown as an average teenager, she has a boyfriend, good friends and a part time job nothing seems out of the ordinary. The Unborn is about Casey Beldon who begins to suffer from horrendous hallucinations, she realizes that she is being haunted by the soul of her dead twin brother jumby. He wants to use her death as a way of entering the living world. It's common that something has happened to protagonist characters in the past either a troubled incident or something that is hidden and they do not yet no about. You usually get to know a lot about the protagonist characters life and the details that have happened to them. We find out that Casey's mother had committed suicide after becoming insane from the constant haunting of her son who wanted revenge.
She is shown as brave yet frightened at some times however this helps the audience to identify to her as a character. She smashes mirrors to prevent herself from seeing him and instead of asking for help and putting others in danger she decides to try and put an end to it herself making her appear the 'hero'. Its also conventional for a protagonist to be a leader of some sort. This could be of a large group or maybe just of one individual they tend to take charge in order for the situation not to get out of control or out of hand. Casey does this by taking charge of the exorcism and preventing the ghost from killing her. Also its very common for their to be a lot of people focusing on helping the Protagonist as shown in the exorcism scene the focus point is always on the protagonist.
An antagonist is generally a group or an individual who is against or causing obstacles for the protagonist character. One obsticle created in the unborn film was when Casey tries to seek help a man in a wheel chair twists his body into a pose and runs after her trying to kill her. They can also be known as the rival or competitor. They don't Nesselrode have to be an actual person they can be an object or even a ghost as shown in unborn. Jumby the unborn twin is haunting Casey and he seeks revenge on his family. He has already taken his mother's life by sending her insane to the brink that she ended up killing herself. Its common for antagonists to do everything in their power to prevent a goal or something from happening which in tern prevent the other character from moving forward and succeeding. Sometimes the protagonist is manipulated so much that they begin to become the antagonist, and pick up some of their traits however this is quickly recovered and they become the heroic main character once again. However most of the time the distinction between the two is clearly seen this is often used by mise en scene. The protagonist will often be situated in a much nicer environment than the antagonist such as the film box, the main characters are a couple the women played by Cameron Diaz live in a lovely area full or green and nice grand houses however the antagonist's home is most dark and not very homey. Protagonist and Antagonist always confront each other when they do this in the box the lighting on each of them will be completely different, low key for the antagonist also the antagonist will be more to the right of the camera and the protagonist will have much more variety in camera shots as they are the main character. As shown in the trailer below it becomes clear that the antagonist will always get in the way of something cause huge obstacles for people to try to over come. Such as in the film the box they were a happy family who seemed perfect however as the antagonist introduces the box everything begins to go wrong and gets out of hand.
Similar Products- Character Analysis 1

Nina- Black Swan

When Nina is awarded the part of the swan queen she is still unable to channel the part of the Black swan out of her. Thomas tells her she needs to lose the sense of perfection and must learn to 'lose herself'. Its these moments with Thomas that Nina realizes the darker side to her nature, she realizes she is no longer a little girl like her mother tells her but she is a women with her own sensual desires and needs. They make it appear that the black swan has been locked up inside Nina all along and as her passion and lust begins to appear she begins to lose herself and her morals are clouded. She no longer has boundaries in her life as shown when Nina decides she wants to break away from her mother, but as her mum tries to protect her. Nina becomes angry and aggressive fighting her mother and acting like a completely different person. That night Nina tries ecstasy influencing the darker side of her to emerge, she fantasies and appears older to the audience. It sometimes appears as if she is fighting a double personality as she has scratches on her back that she has done herself yet she is completely unaware she does it. She is often seen as emotionally unstable and constantly fighting herself in order to get perfection. As the black swan she is bad and misbehaving, she now takes risks and doesn't mind what the consequences will be. Nina suffers from hallucinations of herself transforming into the black swan one is when her knee's break and her eyes turn red showing how violent the changes in her life are effecting her. As the audience we can constantly questioning Nina's sanity, from a girl to a women or from good to evil.
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