Friday, 9 December 2011

Main Task- Poster analysis One


Image~ The image is incredibly dramatic it shows the main actress Natalie Portman with a crack down her face. She appears almost like a porcelain doll, showing how she has been broken. It's also just an image of her face showing its simplicity and allowing the audience to keep guessing about what the film is all about.
Also her eyes are very dramatic almost drawing your attention straight to them the way they have been lite and edited has made them the focal point of the poster meaning that the audience make an automatic connection with her as the main character.
Colours~ The colours are used very effectively, below her eye line the colour is dark black illustrating that darkness or something evil is coming. At the top it becomes very bright and has a feathery effect which represents her role in the show. The amount of these colours could also indicate something, for example the black connotes the black swan and the white represents the white swan. The amount of black is much greater than the white colour showing how her character and role of the black swan has taken over. It also illustrates the evil that is taking over which is represented by the crack across her perfect, soft face in the image.
The title~ The title 'the black swan' is very simplistic but represents what she is about to become. Through out the whole of the film its about her trying to become both roles, the title illustrates what she becomes. The font is very bold and eye catching especially against the image in the background due to it being completely black.
Instead of a tag line they us word such as 'extrodinary, intoxicating, masterpeice' the power that comes with these words will influence people to want to no more. The Black swan is all about mystery, therefore not having a tag line actually suits this type of film as its not needed and wouldn't have the same effect.

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