The feedback that i got was extremely useful, i decided to change the ending of my story as stated in my diary entre 2, as i feel that it will represent the genre of thriller more. I was asked questions such as how my opening would catch the audiences attention, also how i would portray the chemistry between my two main characters as they have to be shown as 'in love'. The questions that were asked allowed me to show my idea of in different ways as well as show how excited and ready i was to film this story.
Overall the class beleived that this storyline would be good and effective to us as my final peice. They were all interested and excited about seeing the final product.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Main Task- Poster Analysis Three.

Shutter Island
Images~ There are three main images in this poster that attracts the audiences attention. All three of them have a a significance and relevance to the film. The match illustrates being afraid of the dark, or that something is coming to get him. Leonardo Dicaprio is the main character and his picture takes up more than half of the poster. This is one due to how famous he is especially as this will attract the audience due to the success of his other films like titanic and inception. The other significant image in the poster is the island. It looks very deserted, the buildings on the island show that it is a prison and the wave's and lights illistrate that there is a storm representing the mood of the film.
Tagline~ 'someone is missing' this is extremely sucessful in capturing the audiences attention and creates an atmosphere of tension and suspition. Although it's very simple it creates an air of mystery and leaves the audience questioning without giving to much of the story away.
Title~ 'Shutter island' is in bold red this could represent death and appears to be smudged. Its one of the only colours on the poster and stands out. Leonardo Dicaprio's name is above in white which is also one of the main features showing his significance in the film. This shows that he is one of the main reasons to go and watch this due to history of sucessful movies.
Colours~ Leonardo's eye is deep blue however the further one is slightly brown. This connotes that he could be insane it also draws the audiences attention into the characters eyes, this creates an automatic connection. The way that this is lite provides a deep sense of mystery especially with the storm and the rain clouding the background of the poster. The month that the film comes out 'october' is in the same red that the title is in to make sure that they relate the two together and remember them both. The flame is bright orange and automatically draws your attention it represents darkness and a loss of control, it also illistrates a sense of fear and worry.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Main Task- Poster analysis Two

Layout~ The way that the poster has been layed out almost appears like a sequence of events leading up to the final image of him standing on the edge of a building looking as though he is about to jump. This tells a story in itself and engages us in the film before even watching it.
Images~ The images used in the poster is what draws the attention of the audience. The variety of images means that it will entice and engage the audience and what them to see more. The series of images and how they are set out illustrates the variety of this film. They also tell a story themselves for example, the top images show his life with girls, getting of a private jet (representing his luxury life) and his gambling. All of which make you ask constant questions and make you want to watch more. The most eye catching of the images if Bradley cooper's close up in the middle photograph. The illusion of the background becoming almost a blur and the orange colours make it appear as if its his or that everything is moving to fast. It also looks as though he is being left behind as his image is motionless and still while everything around him appears to be moving. The final image is the most dramatic and will create the most questions. It shows Bradley Coopers character standing on top of a building. He is placed in the centre of the shot illustrating that he is the main character. The blurred effect shown by the lights and contrast of green and yellow could connote the us of drugs which is in fact the main plot line in the film.
Tag line~ what if a pill could make you rich and powerful? This is very important to the poster it gives a hint of what the film is all about. By asking a question it automatically ingages the audience by asking them directly. This will mean that they make a connection with the main character and the storyline itself.
Title~ The title is in large white block capitals, its very simplistic however i think as there is so much going on in the images it doesn't need to be complicated. It isn't however the first thing that you look at as the actors names blur in with the title. 'Limitless' also explains how people feel when they are on drugs, and connotes indestructable. The title is very powerful and suits the film well.
Actors~ The actors names are in block captials in a blue colour that makes them stand out from the white background. This represents how some of the audience may be influenced in watching this film based on the actors in it. Bradley Cooper for example has a huge fan base especaially after resently starring in the hangover.
Main Task- Poster analysis One

Image~ The image is incredibly dramatic it shows the main actress Natalie Portman with a crack down her face. She appears almost like a porcelain doll, showing how she has been broken. It's also just an image of her face showing its simplicity and allowing the audience to keep guessing about what the film is all about.
Also her eyes are very dramatic almost drawing your attention straight to them the way they have been lite and edited has made them the focal point of the poster meaning that the audience make an automatic connection with her as the main character.
Colours~ The colours are used very effectively, below her eye line the colour is dark black illustrating that darkness or something evil is coming. At the top it becomes very bright and has a feathery effect which represents her role in the show. The amount of these colours could also indicate something, for example the black connotes the black swan and the white represents the white swan. The amount of black is much greater than the white colour showing how her character and role of the black swan has taken over. It also illustrates the evil that is taking over which is represented by the crack across her perfect, soft face in the image.
The title~ The title 'the black swan' is very simplistic but represents what she is about to become. Through out the whole of the film its about her trying to become both roles, the title illustrates what she becomes. The font is very bold and eye catching especially against the image in the background due to it being completely black.
Instead of a tag line they us word such as 'extrodinary, intoxicating, masterpeice' the power that comes with these words will influence people to want to no more. The Black swan is all about mystery, therefore not having a tag line actually suits this type of film as its not needed and wouldn't have the same effect.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Main Task- Diary Entry Two
I have decided to change the structure of my thriller as i feel that it would have been to complicated and may have taken to long and gone over the 5 minutes that we have been assigned.
My idea is that it will begin with her being assigned john's case by her boss in a moving car, which will be a mid shot showing the moving background. This will have the title of 3 months earlier, illustrating that it is not the present day. As she's being told about the guy, there will be different shots of the case folder, showing his picture and other photographs of him in everyday settings. She is told that the man must die as he has seen something at the research lab that is top secret and that the company cannot risk getting out.
The next scene will be as she's walking up a busy pathway carrying papers, she is dressed in high heels and a suit and looks incredibly beautiful. She shoves slightly into a man, as this happens her folders fly up in the air and fall to the floor. She bends down to collect them all and the man does the same. She says thank you in a hurried voice and looks up slowly to meet his eyes and you realise that its JACK the man who she has been assigned to kill. This illustrates that she has begun her case and now has to gain his trust. He smiles and she walks away from him her face changes to being serious and cold again. He picks up a card that's been left on the floor deliberately by her and when he realises its her number he puts it in his pocket and walks away smiling.
The next section of the film is a V.O of SOPHIA as she talks about how the job and how it was getting harder as she is actually having real feelings for this man. You see scenes of them doing different things such as walking in the park, having dinner etc and you can tell that they are falling in love.
It ends with a scene as they are hugging and he kisses her, she smiles but then slowly begins to cry softly. when he asks her whats wrong she says I'm not who you think i am. She asks about what he saw at the research lab and then tells him about her job as an assassin. He walks out slowly and shocked shutting the door behind him SOPHIA is left alone looking down when the door opens again. JACK is standing at the door and asks if she does actually love him? When her reply is yes they kiss and hold each other. She then says 'we'll run tomorrow, we'll go somewhere they won't find us'
The final scene is as they lie in bed together when SOPHIA is awoken by a noise downstairs. JACK remains asleep, so she takes a gun downstairs with her. She knows that someone is in the house, they are here to kill as she has failed her case. A masked man comes out of the shadows with a gun and they fight, this will be filled with action and suspense. She will suddenly get free from his grasp and turns around and shot's him, she suddenly hears something behind her so turns quickly and shots. But its JACK. He falls to the floor and she runs over cradling him until he takes him last breath.
My idea is that it will begin with her being assigned john's case by her boss in a moving car, which will be a mid shot showing the moving background. This will have the title of 3 months earlier, illustrating that it is not the present day. As she's being told about the guy, there will be different shots of the case folder, showing his picture and other photographs of him in everyday settings. She is told that the man must die as he has seen something at the research lab that is top secret and that the company cannot risk getting out.
The next scene will be as she's walking up a busy pathway carrying papers, she is dressed in high heels and a suit and looks incredibly beautiful. She shoves slightly into a man, as this happens her folders fly up in the air and fall to the floor. She bends down to collect them all and the man does the same. She says thank you in a hurried voice and looks up slowly to meet his eyes and you realise that its JACK the man who she has been assigned to kill. This illustrates that she has begun her case and now has to gain his trust. He smiles and she walks away from him her face changes to being serious and cold again. He picks up a card that's been left on the floor deliberately by her and when he realises its her number he puts it in his pocket and walks away smiling.
The next section of the film is a V.O of SOPHIA as she talks about how the job and how it was getting harder as she is actually having real feelings for this man. You see scenes of them doing different things such as walking in the park, having dinner etc and you can tell that they are falling in love.
It ends with a scene as they are hugging and he kisses her, she smiles but then slowly begins to cry softly. when he asks her whats wrong she says I'm not who you think i am. She asks about what he saw at the research lab and then tells him about her job as an assassin. He walks out slowly and shocked shutting the door behind him SOPHIA is left alone looking down when the door opens again. JACK is standing at the door and asks if she does actually love him? When her reply is yes they kiss and hold each other. She then says 'we'll run tomorrow, we'll go somewhere they won't find us'
The final scene is as they lie in bed together when SOPHIA is awoken by a noise downstairs. JACK remains asleep, so she takes a gun downstairs with her. She knows that someone is in the house, they are here to kill as she has failed her case. A masked man comes out of the shadows with a gun and they fight, this will be filled with action and suspense. She will suddenly get free from his grasp and turns around and shot's him, she suddenly hears something behind her so turns quickly and shots. But its JACK. He falls to the floor and she runs over cradling him until he takes him last breath.
Main Task- special effects requirment's
For my final task i would like to add the effect that means that people that are walking past become almost a blur, moving faster in a shadow effect.
This will mean that my main character will be the main focus in the shot and will also illustrate loneliness and time passing by.
This will mean that my main character will be the main focus in the shot and will also illustrate loneliness and time passing by.
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